Industrial Strength Cleaning Chemicals


BULLDOGG is a complex chemical formula which includes citrus solvents and specialty surfactants coupled with alkaline cleaning technology. The result is a water-based degreaser with the power of most pure solvent cleaners. This product is ideal for cutting crude bottoms, #6 oil, paraffins, and other heavy oils. Furthermore, this product is extremely biodegradable. BULLDOGG may also be used as a degassing agent. Simply dilute with water and coat all internal surfaces containing residues. The LEL levels will begin to drop immediately. In addition, BULLDOGG's powerful formula will clean deep down into the pores of the metal. In many cases we have seen BULLDOGG strip rust and contaminants down to the bare metal!

  • Tank Cleaning
  • Equipment Decontamination
  • Substance Removal
  • Line and Vessel Cleaning

Dilution Rate Up to 10 to 1 with water
Application Methods Spray System, 3D Nozzles, Spinner
Special Instructions None

Allow product to soak into set-up substances for as long as possible. Rinse with warm/hot water to remove product more easily.

Specific Hazard Eye and skin irritant
Flash Point (°F) Above 122°
Biodegradability Excellent
pH 11-11.7
Unusual Hazards May soften rubber

Available Quantities 5, 30, 55 and bulk quantities
Packaging Material Poly

Bulldogg was used to treat a tank which had oily residues on the tank walls, roof and floor. Customer used water cannon to spray diluted Bulldogg at 6:1 with water on all of the surfaces of the tank. This solution was allowed to soak for 18 hours. They then came back and rinsed the tank with water to remove all of the residues and Bulldogg. The tank was clean after one application and was prepped for the inspection which it passed.

Bulldogg was used to treat heavy oil residues in a pipeline. The customer used a 4:1 with water due to the nature of the residue. The line was pigged and came out very clean after the one application.

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Powerful water-based cleaning agent comprised of acid, detergents, and solvents.

Our Distributors

Interested in purchasing or leasing our scrubbing equipment and specialty chemicals? Contact one of our global distributors

Asia (Taiwan)

Ruey Li Enterprise Co. LTD.

No. 36 Liucuo Ln., Jiumei Vil.
Xizhou Township, Changhua 52441, Taiwan
Web Site:

  • Phone886 4 8891 688 (office)

Middle East

Looking for Distributors in the Middle East!

Contact us if you would like to be a distributor.

  • Phone409-316-0173


Vapor Technologies

Edmonton, Alberta

  • Phone780-782-7654
  • Fax281-754-4876

United States

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Contact us if you are interested in becoming a Distributor of our unique products.

  • Phone409-316-0173
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