Poly Vapor Scrubbing Systems

PPT-24 Poly Vapor Scrubber

The PPT-24 vapor scrubber system is an all-poly unit designed for applications where steel is not suitable. This includes acids, chlorine and chlorinated vapors or chemicals. This unit is skid mounted and comes with an electric (main) and air-operated diaphragm (backup) pump. Good for vapor flows up to 1250 CFM. The PPT-24 has two towers with a total packing height of over 7'. The unit has a large solution reservoir (450 gallons) which reduces down-time to change spent chemical media. Options such as pH control and blowers are available. Available for purchase or rental.

Chlorine 99%
Acids 99.9%
Amines 99%
Mercaptans 99%
Hydrogen Sulfide 99.9%
Wastewater Odors 99%
Ammonia 99%

Vapor Tech manufactures a complete line of specialty chemicals designed to maximize scrubber performance and removal efficiency. Some vapors, like common acids, do not require specialty chemicals. Call Vapor Tech and we will recommend the proper chemical media needed for your application.

Maximum Flow Rate (CFM) 1250
Minimum Flow Rate (CFM) 50
Maximum Pressure (PSI) 1
Maximum Temperature (°F) 140
Pressure Drop Across System (@ 500 CFM) Approximately 1” of water
Pressure Drop Across System (@ 1000 CFM) Less than 3” of water

Overall Unit Footprint (Scrubber Skid) 70”W x 120”L
Unit Height 108”
Empty Weight (Pounds) 1500
Vapor Inlet 6” Flange
Vapor Outlet 6” Flange
Number of Towers 2
Tower Diameter (Inches) 24
Packing Height (Feet) 7
Reservoir Capacity (Gallons) 450
Available Blower Air-Horn
Unit Equipped with Mist Eliminator? YES

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The PPS-24 vapor scrubber unit is an all-poly packed-column vapor scrubber designed for corrosive applications where steel is not suitable (example: acids, chlorinated products).

PES65-12 Vapor Scrubber

The PES65-12 model vapor scrubber is excellent for up to 125 CFM vapor throughput.

Our Distributors

Interested in purchasing or leasing our scrubbing equipment and specialty chemicals? Contact one of our global distributors

Asia (Taiwan)

Ruey Li Enterprise Co. LTD.

No. 36 Liucuo Ln., Jiumei Vil.
Xizhou Township, Changhua 52441, Taiwan
Web Site: https://rueyli.com.tw/

  • Phone886 4 8891 688 (office)
  • Emailrl1688.rl@msa.hinet.net

Middle East

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Contact us if you would like to be a distributor.

  • Phone409-316-0173
  • Emailinfo@vapor-tech.net


Vapor Technologies

Edmonton, Alberta

  • Phone780-782-7654
  • Emailinfo@vaporscrubbing.ca
  • Fax281-754-4876

United States

Looking for Regional Distributors!

Contact us if you are interested in becoming a Distributor of our unique products.

  • Phone409-316-0173
  • Emailinfo@vapor-tech.net
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