Vapor Scrubber Chemicals


Sulfur-Scrub 43 is a liquid neutralizer designed to eliminate odors associated with amines or ammonia. This corrosive mixture aggressively neutralizes amines and ammonia and converts them into sulfates. Warning: Not safe for metals (including soft metals, carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.)

  • Tank Cleaning
  • Spill Control
  • Line Cleaning
  • Vapor Scrubber Systems
  • Rail Car Cleaning

Dilution Rate 4 to 1 with water
Application Method Tank Cleaning or Vapor Scrubber Systems
Special Instructions Maintain pH level of 2-4

Avoid mixing this product with sodium hypochlorite (bleach) solution. Chlorine gas may be created which is harmful!

Specific Hazard Corrosive liquid!
Flash Point (°F) Non-flammable
Biodegradability Good
pH 1-1.5
Unusual Hazards Avoid soft metals, stainless steel, chlorine
Other Information See SDS

Available Quantities 5, 30, 55 and bulk quantities
Packaging Material Poly
Other Information Do not let product freeze.

SULFUR-SCRUB 43 was used in a wet scrubber after a process which was air stripping ammonia from a wastewater tank. Inlet concentrations of ammonia were 210ppm. After the scrubber ammonia ppm level was 0. During the job, readings did reach 10ppm on the outlet of the scrubber due to an issue with the feed pump metering in the chemical media into the scrubber. Once fixed the ppm levels quickly went back to 0. Specialized ammonia carbon was used on the exhaust of the scrubber to polish vapors beyond 99.9999%.

SULFUR-SCRUB 43 was used in a wet scrubber to neutralize amine odors at a chemical refinery. During the tank cleaning job a fishy odor was present and after testing it was determined that amines were present in the vapor stream. The regular carbon media was not efficient enough. An FRP wet scrubber from Vapor Tech was brought in and a 4:1 solution of SULFUR-SCRUB 43 was used to neutralize the amine odors.

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ENVIRO-SCRUB VT (6% Solution)

Enviro-Scrub VT (6% Solution) is a pre-diluted mixture that is designed to quickly neutralize H2S.


Highly concentrated hydrocarbon degassing/deodorization chemical agent.

Our Distributors

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Asia (Taiwan)

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Xizhou Township, Changhua 52441, Taiwan
Web Site:

  • Phone886 4 8891 688 (office)

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  • Phone409-316-0173


Vapor Technologies

Edmonton, Alberta

  • Phone780-782-7654
  • Fax281-754-4876

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  • Phone409-316-0173
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